PAR – Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals | Aussie Stock Forums

You always have to be careful with biotechs, they have plenty of specific risks.

PAR is unusual because the drug doesnt need the extensive approval process that applies to new drugs, hence the ease with which they were able to set up a Special Access Scheme and get so many people using Zilosul.

I am wondering if you actually read the linked articles given some of your comments?

Injectable or oral is really irrelevant given that its the only drug that treats OA, its not like there is an oral alternative.

Regardless of the unusual amount of positives for PAR and the high probability of large upside, I still only allocated a small position because of the downside risk that single drug bio-techs have – as I said, however small it is, the consequence if it played out is probably total loss of capital. I generally prefer finding businesses where the risk is asymmetric like PAR, but also consequence on the downside is limited.

I have been wrong about bio-techs before so even I would take my enthusiasm with a grain of salt!

Thanks Galumay, I do tend to speed read so to give you some succour I sped read again all the attachments.

Some interesting quotes from them.

“Bene is a family run, private business and has been manufacturing PPS since the 1940s. Bene have refined the manufacturing process of PPS over generations and have their secret recipe down to a fine art.”

(I have a secret recipe for Kentucky Fry Chicken and Guinness but I doubt if it will ever see the light of the ASX)

While Dr. Furujo was discussing the findings of her study, a woman approached us through the crowd and seemed extremely interested in the study results. After a short while, she mentioned that her child had MPS IV, and she was currently treating her with Elmiron (she lived in the US). When asked how she obtained Elmiron, she stated that she was purchasing it directly. She said they had been using it for around three years and believed it was having an effect. Note: Oral PPS such as Elmiron has limited impact for joint pain as the molecule of PPS is too large to be absorbed through the stomach (but we refrained from mentioning this at the time) also taking Elmiron for sustained periods of time results in issues with digestion and things like stomach ulcers.

She continued by saying how the injectable PPS is impossible to get and was interested in how or where she could try to source this injectable material.

We then informed her that Paradigm was currently in the process of setting up a clinical trial of injectable PPS for treating MPS. To describe her face at this news is impossible. Her relief, joy, confusion, elation, and desperation all came through at once. She was extremely excited by this news and hopeful an injectable version of PPS could be commercialised soon.

It was incredible that we managed to witness this first hand and it certainly left a lasting impression about the critical need for such a product. The fact she was unable to source any form of PPS, further demonstrates the moat Paradigm will have under their exclusivity arrangement with bene. This is a big opportunity for Paradigm, yet the market appears to ascribe no value to it.

With the studies from Dr. Hennermann & Dr. Furujo both showing positive impacts from the use of injectable PPS for treating MPS, we are confident Paradigm will be able to design a phase 2/3 trial that can yield success and bring a drug to market. We look forward to going back to the conference one day and hearing the positive effects from patients and families hopefully using a drug Paradigm commercialise.

This is a heart-rendering story of a woman with a child with a rare debilitating incurable metabolic disease.
Look at it here
I believe it to be reckless in putting this in a commentary on a pharmaceutical company dealing with joint pain.

Injectable or oral is important, if you don’t understand that I can’t make it any plainer using reason or rationality

So, mate, all in all I’d suggest you put the farm in to PAR. It’s a goer from what you said and we’d like to have a millionaire in our midst from a one hit wonder.

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