Will Credit Suisse Follow Successful Footsteps Of Deutsche Bank?

Many Currency


A Tale of Two Banks

Both Deutsche Bank (NYSE:DB) and Credit Suisse (NYSE:CS) are globally systemic banks (G-SIBs), domiciled in Europe, play a financial infrastructure role in their home countries (Germany and Swiss), and had/having troubled pasts.

As a

Data by YCharts

DB Y19 Strategic Plan

balance sheet section (DB Y19 Strategic Plan)

compiled by author

DB Sec filings (compiled by author)

compiled by author

DB Sec Filings (compiled by author)

Data by YCharts

Credit Suisse Oct 2022 Update

cap allocation (Credit Suisse Oct 2022 Update)

Credit Suisse Oct 2022 Plan

cost reduction (Credit Suisse Oct 2022 Plan)

Credit Suisse Oct 2022 Plan

RWA (Credit Suisse Oct 2022 Plan)

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