The Very Best Stocks For The Agriculture Bull Market

Tractor miniature with coins on fertile soil land



Is it just me, or does time fly? We’re already in the second half of the last month of 2022. This means it’s time to look into 2023. One of the topics we discussed most in 2022 is agriculture. What started with a

Brent oil chart

TradingView (CBOT Corn, ICE Brent)

World Wheat Production vs Usage

CME Group

US corn grain yield trends

Purdue University

The impact of high natural gas prices on fertilizer prices

Youtube (aTrippyFarmer) – Explaining The Impact Of High Natural Gas Prices On Fertilizer Prices

US net farm income


Brazil fertilizer consumption


World coarse grains

CME Group

US balance sheets for corn, soybeans and wheat

University of Illinois

Falling corn production and exports


Seventh District States share of US agricultural output

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


University of Illinois

Share of Commercial Banks by Farm Loan Delinquency Rate, Q3 - is a clustered column chart showing the percent of banks with various levels of farm loan delinquency rates (None, 0 to 1%, 1 to 3% and Greater than 3%) during Q3, with columns for 2010, 2015, 2019 and 2022. Note: Delinquent farm loans include all agricultural loans past due 30 or more days or non-accruing. Source: Reports of Condition and Income and Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City


TradingView (CBOT Wheat)

DE Stock Chart


Deere production and precision Ag

Deere & Company

AGCO Stock Chart


CP Stock Chart


Fertilizer stocks
Data by YCharts

Global Energy price and North American Production Margin Advantage

CF Industries

ADM Stock Chart


ADM business overview


ANDE stock Chart


USA ethanol production

Energy Information Administration

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