The Dollar Will Weaken, But Not Yet

Money finance crisis falling graph chart

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Fundamentals – short-term tailwinds facing long-term headwinds

2022 saw phenomenal strength in the US dollar, the kind of strength that has a habit of hindering international trade, commerce and growth in a classic self-reflexive cycle. Being one of

Source: Mark Investments

Source: Mark Investments

Source: Peter Berenzin - BCA Research

Source: Peter Berenzin – BCA Research

twin deficits and dollar

Source: Acheron Insights, St. Louis Fed

global exports and dollar

Source: Acheron Insights, IMF, Yahoo Finance

global exports and business cycle

Source: Acheron Insights, ISM, IMF

US Dollar & Business cycle

Source: Acheron Insights, ISM, Yahoo Finance

Federal debt held by foreign investors

Source: Acheron Insights, St. Louis Fed

US dollar hedgers position

Source: SentimenTrader

hedge fund exposure - dollar weekly

Source: SentimenTrader

US dollar optix weekly

Source: SentimenTrader

Source: Jesse Felder - The Felder Report

Source: Jesse Felder – The Felder Report

dollar chart

dollar chart

US dollar seasonality

Source: SentimenTrader

dollar index

Source: SentimenTrader

Source: Deutsche Bank, Bloomberg

Source: Deutsche Bank, Bloomberg Finance LP

Source: Rob Anderson - Ned David Research

Source: Rob Anderson – Ned David Research

US dollar - cash settle

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