The China Bubble | Aussie Stock Forums

hello everybody. the wonders of the internet being what it is, i randomly came across this website today and found it interesting enough to join in the discussion

Chanos has long been arguing that China has moved from being dependent on manufacturing for its growth to fixed asset investment, which accounts for more than 60% of China’s overall GDP. As with most property bubbles alot of this property investment is speculative driven.

Add to that, China’s central bank has failed to cap this speculative bubble and instead made things worse by forcing banks to create “off balance sheet loans” that look alot like the mortgage backed securites that crashed wall st. :)

the thing is people like chanos have been calling the imminent collapse of China for a while now…. its probably impossible to predict when a chain of black swan events will create the perfect storm. But i think its highly likely.

Given its highly likely to occur but impossible to time, wouldn’t it be best to create a trading strategy heavy in fixed guaranteed returns like govt bonds with a small but significant amount leveraged and shorting australian mining stocks? Or even better shorting some property developers directly on HKEX. You could probably do the maths to get the fixed return assets to cover the more volatile bets, so you could rollover until the **** storm finally hits?

(apologies im not actually an active financial trader so less useful in that regard)

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