Super Micro Computer: Super Financials And Undervalued (NASDAQ:SMCI)

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Super Micro Computer, Inc. (NASDAQ:SMCI), or “Supermicro,” is a leading hardware company that provides servers and storage racks for compute-intensive workloads. The company produced super-strong financial results in its most recent earnings report. Revenue

Data by YCharts

Super Micro computer racks

Super Micro computer racks (Q1,FY23)

Revenue Super Micro

Revenue Super Micro (Q1,FY23 report)

Vertical markets

Vertical markets (Q1,FY23 report)

Servers and Storage systems

Servers and Storage systems (Q1,FY23)

Revenue by Geography

Revenue by Geography (Q1,Fy23)

Super Micro stock valuation 1

Super Micro stock valuation 1 (created by author Ben at Motivation2invest)

Super Micro stock valuation

Super Micro stock valuation (created by author Ben at Motivation 2 Invest)

Data by YCharts

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