StoneCo Stock: More Power To Us (NASDAQ:STNE)

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Single stock ideas excerpted from fund letters published by Seeking Alpha.

Additional disclosure: This report is based on the views and opinions of Dr. Johannes Arnold, which are subject to change at any time without notice.

The information contained in this report is intended for informational purposes only and is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed information contained in the offering memorandum of Nordstern Capital, LP (the “Offering Memorandum”). This report is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any investment product, which can only be made by the Offering Memorandum.

An investment in the Partnership involves significant investment considerations and risks which are described in the Offering Memorandum. The material presented herein, which is provided for the exclusive use of the person who has been authorized to receive it, is for your private information and shall not be used by the recipient except in connection with its investment in the Partnership. Nordstern Capital Investors, LLC is soliciting no action based upon it. It is based upon information which we consider reliable, but neither Nordstern Capital Investors, LLC nor any of its managers or employees represents that it is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such.

Performance information presented herein is historic and should not be taken as any indication of future performance. Among other things, growth of assets under management of Nordstern Capital, LP may adversely affect its investment performance. Also, future investments will be made under different economic conditions and may be made in different securities using different investment strategies.

The comparison of the Partnership’s performance to a single market index is imperfect because the Partnership’s portfolio may include the use of margin trading and other leverage and is not as diversified as the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index or other indices. Due to the differences between the Partnership’s investment strategy and the methodology used to compute most indices, we caution potential investors that no indices are directly comparable to the results of the Partnership.

Statements made herein that are not attributed to a third-party source reflect the views, beliefs and opinions of Nordstern Capital Investors, LLC and should not be taken as factual statements.

© Nordstern Capital Investors, LLC

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