Services Inflation Spikes To 4-Decade High; CPI For Gasoline And Durable Goods Plunges

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Services are nearly two-thirds of consumer spending. That’s where inflation is now raging. The Fed has been talking about services for months.

Nearly two-thirds of consumer spending goes into services. Services include housing, insurance, healthcare, education, travel and hotel bookings, subscriptions, streaming, telecommunication, haircuts… And this is where

CPI, services

Services MoM YoY
Overall services 0.6% 7.5%
Airline fares -3.1% 28.5%
Motor vehicle insurance 0.6% 14.2%
Motor vehicle maintenance & repair 1.0% 13.0%
Pet services, including veterinary -0.4% 9.1%
Rent of primary residence 0.8% 8.3%
Owner’s equivalent of rent 0.8% 7.5%
Recreation services, admission to movies, concerts, sports events 0.3% 5.7%
Other personal services (dry-cleaning, haircuts, legal services…) -0.2% 5.5%
Water, sewer, trash collection services 0.3% 4.9%
Postage & delivery services 0.2% 4.6%
Video and audio services, cable 0.9% 4.2%
Hotels, motels, etc. 1.7% 3.2%
Telephone services 0.3% 1.9%
Car and truck rental -1.6% -4.9%
Medical care services 0.1% 4.1%
Includes: Health insurance -3.4% 7.9%

CPI, rent

CPI owner’s equivalent rent of residence

CPI durable goods

Durable goods by category MoM YoY
Durable goods overall -0.8% -0.1%
Information technology (computers, smartphones, etc.) -0.9% -11.8%
Used vehicles -2.5% -8.8%
Sporting goods (bicycles, equipment, etc.) -0.5% 3.5%
New vehicles -0.1% 5.9%
Household furnishings (furniture, appliances, floor coverings, tools) 0.2% 7.3%

Food inflation by category MoM YoY
Overall Food at home 0.2% 11.8%
Cereals and cereal products 0.0% 16.1%
Beef and veal 1.3% -3.1%
Pork -0.2% 1.5%
Poultry -0.6% 12.2%
Fish and seafood -0.7% 5.0%
Eggs 11.1% 59.9%
Dairy and related products -0.3% 15.3%
Fresh fruits -1.9% 3.4%
Fresh vegetables -0.1% 9.8%
Juices and nonalcoholic drinks 0.0% 12.2%
Coffee 0.0% 14.3%
Fats and oils 1.5% 23.2%
Baby food -0.2% 10.7%
Alcoholic beverages at home 0.6% 5.3%

Energy MoM YoY
Overall Energy CPI -4.5% 7.3%
Gasoline -9.4% -1.5%
Utility natural gas to home 3.0% 19.3%
Electricity service -0.2% 13.7%
Heating oil, propane, kerosene, firewood -11.9% 26.0%

Core CPI

Year-over-year, core CPI


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