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This easy revenue will dry up
Right now if you want to buy intuit product you have to go via Reckon in Australia

Once this agree is up anyone can sell and support intuits, you be competing with everyone else for the sale and support and on price….

so their easy re-occurring money in support and upgrade would be gone, to what extend it hard to fathom until the license expire and they came out with another year of financial report…

The cloud based products, there is a lot of noise but most people are not willing to save their data on someone else servers especially clients and financial data.

this is a high risk stuff, if I run a small accounting firm or business no fricken way I put my data on the cloud where every hackers out there can have ago at getting those data.

Need to be a lot cheaper than the current price…

And taking about Royalties saving, you got to make money to pay royalties
so saving mean nothing if you dont make the sales. so taking about saving in royalties is just a spin.

it’s like comparing someone who pay 30% tax and make money and the guy pay zero tax because they not making money…


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