Realty Income: Ignore Mr. Market (NYSE:O)

Young Nerd Boy Yelling at Siblings with Megaphone


What do you think about when you see a stock that looks like this?

Graphical user interface, chart, line chart Description automatically generated

Yahoo Finance

Scary, right?

But what if I showed you a chart that looks like this?

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated

Realty Income Investor Presentation

That’s hard to grasp, right?

Graphical user interface, chart Description automatically generated

Yahoo Finance

Chart, line chart Description automatically generated

Realty Income 2012 Annual Report

Chart, bar chart Description automatically generated

Realty Income 2012 Annual Report

Diagram Description automatically generated

Realty Income Investor Presentation

Map Description automatically generated

Realty Income Investor Presentation

FAST Graphs

FAST Graphs

A picture containing timeline Description automatically generated

Realty Income Investor Presentation

FAST Graphs

FAST Graphs

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