Peloton Vs. Technogym: Which Is The Best Fitness Stock

Peloton Pauses Production Of Its Bike As Demand Decreases

Joe Raedle/Getty Images News

On one side we have Peloton (NASDAQ:PTON), a U.S. company founded in 2012, while on the other side we have Technogym (OTCPK:TCCHF), an Italian company founded in 1983. If you have ever entered a

Calculation of thechnogym expected growth rate in revenues

Technogym expected growth rate (Personal Data)

Calcualtion of Peloton expected growth rate

Peloton expected growth rate (Personal Data)

technogym 5Y meadian operating margin and ROIC

Technogym median operating margin & ROIC (Personal Data)

Projections of technogym future performances

Technogym’s performance projections (Personal Data)

projection of Peloton future performance

Peloton’s performance projection (Personal Data)

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