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Re: MTN – Marathon Resources

Hi again I am just reporting what I have read on other forums …I have pasted their arguement here…it’s been going for some time…I’m not 100% sure about it myself but will be following up on it and will make further investigations



You are misguided.

There are multiple peolple telling you what they think of MTN. I can assure that it is not just me. I can tell you that there are many many very knowledgeable people that look upon Mt Gee with great scepticism.

I have been saying right from the beginning that this area is a no go zone.

Arkaroola Creek/Gorge is at the base of Mt Gee

Its also listed as a national heritage register;place_id=5979

Arkaroola Gorge, Arkaroola Rd, Arkaroola Village via Copley, SA


List: Register of the National Estate

Class: Natural

Legal Status: Registered (28/09/1982)

Place ID: 5979

Place File No: 3/00/260/0060

Statement of Significance:

Many of the diverse, rugged and often unique geological, geographical and botanical features which make the Arkaroola-Mount Painter region a wilderness area of great scientific and aesthetic interest. In addition, it is a major haunt of the until-recently rare yellow footed rock wallaby (PETROGALE XANTHOPUS).

The Commission has determined that this place has Indigenous values of national estate significance. The Commission is currently consulting with relevant Indigenous communities about the amount of information to be placed on public record.

(The Commission is in the process of developing and/or upgrading official statements for places listed prior to 1991. The above data was mainly provided by the nominator and has not yet been revised by the Commission.)

Official Values: Not Available


The Arkaroola Creek, flowing from the Gammon Ranges to the south, swings east in the area of Bolla Bollana smelters and becomes unusually and spectacularly sinuous, frequently doubling almost back into itself. Cutting through the resistant quartzites, tillites and granites of Proterozoic age, it forms a number of beautiful waterholes and gorges with sheer rock walls. The surrounding terrain is typically chaotic with serrated quartzite, massive tillite and bulbous granite peaks. The flora often reflecting the geology, is dominated by several acacia and eucalypt species, yaccas, porcupine grass and after seasonal rains, wildflowers of great beauty.

History: Not Available

Condition and Integrity:

Moderately good. Graded roads passing through Arkaroola Village provide direct access to Bolla Bollana, Arkaroola and Stubbs waterholes. The station management attempts to control tourism by prohibiting camping outside the village and setting aside special areas for mineral collecting.


About 8000ha, 94km north-east of Copley on Arkaroola Road near Arkaroola Village, AMG points: SH5409-Copley 325454, 325507, 465507, 465454 and return to start, approx. 0.5km north of Arkaroola Village.

Also Mt Gee itself is heritage listed.;place_id=5978


Mt Painter;place_id=5981

Mt Gee, Painter, Armchair, Arkaroola Gorge is not just nearby, its where MTN want to dig.

Legally as stated by Marathon you can dig it up.

But the hurdles are immense.

As you can see from the heritage register this is an area of great significance.

What realistically are MTN’s chances of mining, when it affects numerous national heritage places, Rare species (as listed on the heritage register)

And for Arkaroola Gorge

“The Commission has determined that this place has Indigenous values of national estate significance. The Commission is currently consulting with relevant Indigenous communities about the amount of information to be placed on public record.”

National Estate significance means this is area is protected big time.

Mining at Mt Gee, Painter, Armchair is not impossible, But wow, look at all those obstacles!

As I have said on this thread right from the start.

Marathons future is not at Mt Gee.

Watch them spend more money on their gold prospect in Victoria, and the IOCG Targets around Coober Pedy, as the focus on Mt Gee slowly but surely fades away.

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