Medium/Longer Term Stock Portfolio | Aussie Stock Forums

G’day all,

I have been participating in a few of the forums here (and in other forums) and wanted to post my own stock portfolio for a while.

Although I’ve had good success with few of my stocks in the past, will start this portfolio fresh for all to see. I find that fellow forum members can help to keep an eye out for any negative news developments or economic changes that may affect the stocks in the portfolio.

Although it’s a longer term portfolio, it will not be a “Buy and Hold” portfolio. So I will manage it such that if a stock drops a certain % in value it will get sold and I will not tolerate too much portfolio erosion.

The first stock in the portfolio is Capitol Health Limited (CAJ). It’s a medical imaging/scanning company that has fallen heavily in price and fallen out of favour. I think selling may be over done and price may recover in the medium term. It was a market darling when it was trading at higher prices and paying dividends at the time.

The second stock is Gateway Lifestyle Group (GTY). Bought mainly due to the story that there would be more of managed retirement living estates as increased numbers of Aussie population retires and as the aged population grows as a percentage.

GTY has a growing number of retirement estates that is contributing to it’s income and currently pays close to 5% Dividend and just started their Dividend Re-investment Plan (DRP).

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Will look to add stocks with good stories and potential to appreciate as I continue to research stocks on the ASX.

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