Lloyds Stock: Still 10x P/E & 4%+ Dividend Yield After Recent Rally

High Street Branch Of Lloyds Bank With People Walking Past During COVID-19



We review our Lloyds Banking Group plc (NYSE:LYG) case after shares have gained 18% (in U.K. pounds, including dividends) since we reinitiated our coverage in July:

Lloyds Share Price (Last 1 Year)

Lloyds Share Price (Last 1 Year)

Source: Google Finance (20-Jan-23).

Lloyds Key Financials by Segment (2021)

Lloyds Key Financials by Segment (2021)

Source: Lloyds results release (2021).

NB. Retail Banking and Commercial Banking will each be split into two units in 2022.

Lloyds Medium-Term Targets (2022-26)

Lloyds Medium-Term Targets (2022-26)

Source: Lloyds results presentation (Q4 2021); annotations by Librarian Capital.

Lloyds 2022 Outlook

Lloyds 2022 Outlook

Source: Lloyds results presentation (Q3 2022).

Bank of England Base Rate (Since 2022)

Bank of England Base Rate (Since 2022)

Source: Bank of England website (20-Jan-23).

Lloyds P&L & Key Ratios By Quarter (Since 2021)

Lloyds P&L & Key Ratios By Quarter (Since 2021)

Source: Lloyds results presentation (Q3 2022).

Lloyds Loans & Advances to Customers (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Lloyds Loans & Advances to Customers (Q3 2022 vs. Prior Periods)

Source: Lloyds results release (Q3 2022).

Lloyds Cost/Income Ratio By Quarter (Since 2021)

Lloyds Cost/Income Ratio By Quarter (Since 2021)

Source: Lloyds results presentation (Q3 2022).

Lloyds Net Interest Margin Bridge (H2 2021 to Q3 2022)

Lloyds Net Interest Margin Bridge (H2 2021 to Q3 2022)

Source: Lloyds results presentation (Q3 2022).

Lloyds Structural Hedge (Since 2017)

Lloyds Structural Hedge (Since 2017)

Source: Lloyds results releases.

Lloyds Personal Mortgages Loan-to-Value Ratios (Q3 2022)

Lloyds Personal Mortgages Loan-to-Value Ratios (Q3 2022)

Source: Lloyds results presentation (Q3 2022).

Lloyds ECL Allowance By Scenario (Q3 2022)

Lloyds ECL Allowance By Scenario (Q3 2022)

Source: Lloyds results release (Q3 2022).

NB. All figures in millions.

Lloyds CET1 Ratio Evolution (Q3 2022 YTD)

Lloyds CET1 Ratio Evolution (Q3 2022 YTD)

Source: Lloyds results presentation (Q3 2022).

Lloyds Illustrative Return Forecasts

Lloyds Illustrative Return Forecasts

Source: Librarian Capital estimates.

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