BKI – BKI Investment Company

“We believe Macquarie Group is a highly misunderstood business, with 60 per cent of earnings annuity in nature and a mortgage book that is growing double digit; the fastest rate of growth in the sector,” Mr Millner said. “For the 2020 financial year, on a grossed-up basis, we estimate Commonwealth Bank’s dividend yield to be 7.5 per cent and Macquarie Group’s at 5.1 per cent.”

He said investing in an ultra-low rate environment posed a risk for income investors, but that positive trends in population growth, infrastructure spend and superannuation growth would continue to provide tailwinds for stocks within the fund’s portfolio.

Net profit including special investment revenue for the half was reported at $25.5m, a near halving of the previous period which was bolstered by special dividends shelled out amid a fear of franking cuts and after the demerger of Coles and Wesfarmers. BKI’s biggest special investment revenue received during the period was from Brambles, Coles and Telstra.

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